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Friday, November 4, 2011

Back To Court....

Im not much of a complainer and always look at the bright side of life.  This month has tested my ability to behave accordingly as the challenges have presented themselves in more than one avenue of my life. How much can we take as individuals and how do we manage life when everyone requires so much of us.  I have three people that need my care along with all the other demands of running a household solo.

At this point in time, my children are in need of constant attention, my Mother at the moment is in need of constant attention and Im in the process of trying to organize my writing and website so I can monetize it to the best of my ability. My house is for sale by owner which means I have done absolutely nothing to truly sell it.  Im back in the not wanting to move anywhere stage and anticipate that I will remain in this house which has provided me with such comfort over the years.  It is more than we need as is four acres but we have grown accustomed to it and so it shall be. 

I suspect part of my desire to not move is because at the present moment my Mother is staying with us and I can't deal with the thought of reorganizing my life on top of managing her needs.  I have the pleasant feeling that we will be staying in our home until I move back to a city or I get married. One or the other and remarriage is on the probably not list at the current moment. 

One of my best friends always tells me wonderful stories of people falling madly in love at 75 thus I have concluded that  have plenty of time should this become a priority for me. At the moment I have enough laundry to do and meals to prepare.  Im happy with having the company and enjoyment of a man without the load of work. It is actually much more enjoyable, I happen to enjoy the constant stage of the fun part of dating and dining and enjoying life. There is much to be said about freedom particularly when I listen to many women griping about their husbands. I took care of that problem five years ago and have not regretted a second of it.

My divorce has also created stress in the past month as I took my ex to court for a modification. I decided to represent myself which added to the tension as I had to actually prove a change in circumstance in order to win my case.  I did not anticipate having to cross-examine my ex but I have to say that I was in fact organized enough to do so.  I enjoyed the entire process and was not intimidated in the slightest.  I was prepared and confident that I was in the right in terms of my request.  I went head to head against his attorney as I observed her tactic and argument.  I observed the judge as I questioned my ex regarding the Radio industry and how he is paid.  I enjoyed the entire process and found it wonderfully simplistic- in my particular case.

Im happy to say that a few days later as I tore open that envelope from the courthouse- all was in my favor. I feel extremely proud of myself and confident in a way that I have not experienced before. I initially sought out a legal coach and she helped me decide whether or not I had a case and then the rest was all me.  I have a sense of accomplishment at the moment that Im basking in. 

My life has been blessed and simple until eight years ago.  In that time period, my father died, I got divorced and have been raising two young children alone,  my mother has had very serious health issues and my ex husband lost his job.  My take on life has always been positive which has helped me through all of this. Despite the challenges and difficulties I never lose sight of all the great things Im so incredibly fortunate to have.  Things always work out and you are far more capable and stronger than you could ever imagine. 

Have faith, build up your character so that when the challenges come you can count on your own intelligence and fortitude to persevere. You can truly do anything if you so desire. xo

"He who has faith has.... an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well- - even though to the world it may appear to come out most terribly."

B.C. Forbes

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