I have to admit that this past week tested my ability to juggle 9000 things at once. I happily kiss this week goodbye and have a great weekend to look forward to. My best friend from childhood is having her annual summer party which is always a fabulous time and two of my favorite cousins are coming to stay with me Sunday so Im very excited.
I had no less than five kids to tend to almost every day this week. I offered to help a friend out as her father has been in the hospital and she wanted to be by his side. No one knows better than I the importance of that so I happily agreed to take her children a few days. I love their company and the kids all get along beautifully so it is virtually no problem at all.
Yesterday, I had to get to Whole Foods in the morning. I love that store even if it is a bit pricey. I started speaking with a stranger, which is typical for me as Im friendly. The woman turned out to be a writer from Easton- interesting connection and a very enjoyable conversation. I believe I have just made another friend which is always welcome in my life. It was a brief conversation about our children and life and it was nice to connect with another woman with such ease and friendliness.
As I walked out of the door with no less than 9 bags of groceries, I smiled at her and said "I can't wait for school to begin". She laughed and told me that one day my children would be gone and I would miss them. Her children live far away and it was obvious to me that she missed them terribly. I instantly thought of my little ones living across the country and my heart sank at the very thought of that. I told her that I already brain-washed my children to stay on the East Coast. I speak so highly of the Northeast that I believe I have been successful.
We have to let our children go one day. Whether they want to go to California, Arizona, Colorado, we have to let them go. I abhor the thought of my children moving far away and in my heart, do not believe that they will but time will tell.
All of this made me wonder just how do we let go of our children without being selfish. All mothers want their children nearby- well at least that how it seems to me. The problem is that we want them nearby but we also want them to travel the world and the USA. At least I certainly want that for my children. I want them to explore and take in the beauty of this world. I want them to study in Europe or at least spend many a summer there. I want them to go away to school and live in cities and fall in love with the beautiful architecture of their surroundings.
I want them to meet people from all over the world and have many friends from different places. Then I want them to live near me. I anticipate that in fifteen - twenty years I will be living in a high-rise building near Copley Place in Boston. Or, perhaps a town house on Commonwealth Avenue. It will be something along those lines as my heart and soul crave Boston. I consider Boston my other home so in time I will reside back there. Why not spend your mature years in a place that brings such contentment. It's a dream and Im aware that life takes many unexpected twists and turns. We can prepare but whatever is meant to be will certainly prevail.
Today I will enjoy the fact that my children will be around for awhile. I love them, their spirits as well as their personalities and watching them mature. I think the gift of parenting is incredible. It is by far the most meaningful journey that I have been on. It is challenging, trying, demanding and beautiful. It is a time where the focus is no longer on yourself. My children have taught me how to truly love in a very unselfish manner. They give me hope, inspiration and a desire to be successful and strong. They will always be near in my heart no matter how far they travel. I wish for them the beauty of being a parent as it is only then that they will understand the enormity of my love for them.
Thank you my children, Christopher and Giavanna for bringing me the most happiness imaginable. I love you both with all of my heart.
Please don't move away…. ever…. Im just kidding- Go- travel-learn and indulge in life. You will always have a home with me. xo
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