As our life unfolds, I have come to realize that the script of our life does not always flow according to our plans. At the age of five and until the age of 25, my life was ripple free and extremely easy. In fact the script of my life was flowing perfectly. Of course I lived a sheltered and privileged life in Greenfield Hill and then I moved to Boston.
I lived in a beautiful area and found my niche of friends who had similar backgrounds as myself, and life continued to flow with ease. Fortunately I continue to have a beautiful flow in my life but the bumps along the way have been quite sufficient and plenty.
My Mother had a small fall yesterday and as I received that dreaded phone call, my gut told me that this was not a life threatening situation. It could have been, but my instinct told me otherwise. I listen to my inner sense as over time it continually proves to be accurate. Naturally I raced to Fairfield too observe an ambulance, a few policemen and a small crowd of onlookers. Why people are fascinated by accidents is beyond my comprehension. The policemen were rude to me over the phone- I addressed them instantly when I arrived. They immediately refracted and turned on the charm. They annoyed me and I expressed myself very clearly.
People were on my last nerve yesterday. When tension and concern are brimming, the last thing I want to see is a soccer mom in a big SUV staring at my Mom on a stretcher. My wrath is visibly seen and I have no problem expressing myself as I did yesterday. Im a very nice and friendly person however the gawking is unacceptable. If you offer help- fine- if you smile- fine- it's the person who just stares that I find intolerable. I think there should be a required class for everyone to take early on in life. If I had my druthers it would be called:
Compassion, Empathy and the Importance of Good Manners- with that illusion I simply know that I have taught Christopher and Giavanna all of the above and that is the best I can personally do.
As we arrived at the hospital, the staff at Bridgeport Hospital were wonderful. They remember my father so his memory lingers which is always comforting. In fact the woman that taught me how to swim when I was a child was still there. She was around 20 at the time-- she is now around 60. It was a long night- five hours in the hospital before my Mother was released.
I am tired. These events always make me miss my loving Dad. They make me yet again reflect on the fragility of life as well as how quickly it goes and how fast it can change. Suddenly and without warning which is why I live with intention daily.
Compassion, Empathy and the Importance of Good Manners- perhaps I can offer it online or as an adult education class. All kidding aside, it should be taught in the home and it should be emphasized. When you are in a situation that is highly stressful, the skill of putting those things into practice can make all the difference to those around you.
Thankfully my Mother is home and well. She is scraped and sore and bruised. It is always heartbreaking to see a parent struggle. I find it heart wrenching and yet I do my part. I do my best and I do it with Compassion, Empathy and the best of manners. It's the very best I can do.
I hope everyone has a great weekend xo
So sorry for the unacceptable treatment during a very fragile time. I am in total agreement and even though I often try to contain myself ```I WOULD HAVE BEEN WEARING STRIPES THIS MORNING!!!!
It is still amazing to me why people are intrigued with mishaps and do not have the intelligence to "back off' and refrain from making a difficult and private situation~~into "Their spectacle."
Michelle, you are truly amazing and a class act~~always remember that you are entitled to privacy and respect~~~even though some "just don't get it.
Prayers and hugs~~
You're so sweet Judi thank you
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