"Celebrities are not as rich as some people think they are." Robin Leach
Im not quite sure if Robin Leach was referring to the richness of one's life and personal substance or their monetary value, or perhaps a combination of both. I know one thing that's for sure- celebrities are regular people who make too much money for entertaining the masses. We are always surprised when certain couples get divorced. The latest one- Captain and Tenielle- say it isn't so!
Was this not the couple who idolized each other in interviews. In fact, they loved working together and singing together. It was all grand and it seemed to me that they had the most beautiful relationship that one could wish for.
Im not quite sure if Robin Leach was referring to the richness of one's life and personal substance or their monetary value, or perhaps a combination of both. I know one thing that's for sure- celebrities are regular people who make too much money for entertaining the masses. We are always surprised when certain couples get divorced. The latest one- Captain and Tenielle- say it isn't so!
Was this not the couple who idolized each other in interviews. In fact, they loved working together and singing together. It was all grand and it seemed to me that they had the most beautiful relationship that one could wish for.
Apparently I was wrong.
I wonder what happened to their amazing union over the course of time. I believe that if you are wonderfully both successful and have a lot of money, divorce becomes that much simpler. No one is sucking it up until the kids grow up for financial reasons.
I wonder what happened to their amazing union over the course of time. I believe that if you are wonderfully both successful and have a lot of money, divorce becomes that much simpler. No one is sucking it up until the kids grow up for financial reasons.
Unhappy- hit the highway and the ability to reconnect with another lover will happen instantly. The road to recovery is with greater ease if one has the finances to support themselves and others.
We certainly have no idea what happens behind the doors of any couple. It's just that this couple always flaunted the love that they had together
The connection that they had together seemed out of this world. Or, like many things we want to believe in-Do they exist in reality or are they truly fairy tales.
The connection that they had together seemed out of this world. Or, like many things we want to believe in-Do they exist in reality or are they truly fairy tales.
Im always sad to read of great couples who are splitting up. Celebrities and regular people alike- it's all the same story- we get bored, we aren't fulfilled and we think life is better on the other side of the fence. Which in many cases it truly can be.
I like to see people happily in love and married for the long haul. It gives me belief in the system and the ideals that I held as a young girl.
The happiest couple in Hollywood seem to me to be Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell- oh but they aren't married so they don't count- Or maybe they are the ones who should count the most. Maybe that's the secret to success- don't get married- Just a thought. xo
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