Thanks for Reading Suburban Adventure

Saturday, August 27, 2011

See through Shirt - not intended

After much preparation I do believe that our local celebrity- Hurricane Irene is rearing her ugly head.  As I hear the rain pouring down Im grateful for all that is surrounding me. The past few days I have seen people all around me in a frenzy, it feels like everyone is getting ready for a mass exodus.

It is slightly anxiety provoking as I see places that are never busy- hustling with customers. I stopped at Poster's in Fairfield for paint for Giavanna and they were mobbed. I hate to mention that I was literally in a gauze button down shirt with nothing underneath.
This morning I had no intention of going anywhere except to my mother's home in Fairfield to drain a few inches down in her pool. I also wanted to give my mother some chocolate cookies that I had freshly baked. After I tended to the needs of my Mother's house,  Giavanna insisted that she needed paint and I of course gave in to our little adventure to Posters Art store. We had all been leisurely hanging around this morning and in my haste to get to my mothers house, we did not pay much attention to our outfits prior to leaving our home. I was just going to see my mother, no big deal.

In my white see through shirt, terry cloth shorts and wedge heels I was in fact not prepared to run into the three Easton families that I did. As I tried to conceal my see through shirt and avoid people, it would prove impossible. The owner of the store was thrilled to see me. She has not seen me since I was 14, great I still look the same except now I dress to impress.

Tina, the owner was thrilled to see me as she knew my entire family. She wanted to meet my children and Christopher was also mortified as unless he is wearing a preppy collared shirt and khaki's he just might be out of his comfort zone.

Giavanna successfully found her paint and equipment and I began entranced by all of the art supplies around me. I enjoyed being in there as I spent many days with Tina who always helped me pick out the best possible supplies for whatever project I was imagining. It was really neat introducing her to my children and introducing her to them as well. History clearly repeats itself and now my children were enjoying one of the few small businesses in Fairfield County that is clearly thriving. It was overall a treat however I was not happy about my outfit. Im typically all about my look and Im sure some men may have enjoyed my look, however, it was certainly not intentional.

I couldn't wait to get home to the comfort of my house and I have had a glorious day. Baking, Cooking, Reading, Writing, Catching up with friends, home beauty treatments and more have made my day extremely enjoyable. Im sure Irene is causing angst for all of us here in the Northeast but my friends try to relax. A hurricane is clearly something that we have no control over. Give in to the inconvenience of it and pray for ease of cleanup and safety. There is something nice about being trapped at home but only if you appreciate the beauty around you. Don't be grumpy, this could always be worse. Imagine not having the resources to purchase the supplies that make your life comfortable. Imagine not having the children under your roof that delight you as well as challenge you in times like this. Celebrate all that you do have, settle in and appreciate the beautiful, sensual sound of the rain falling. We can worry about the rest later… xo

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