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Saturday, July 2, 2011

I Don't Do Casual

Last night was a very special night. We were celebrating the birthday of a great friend and it was so much fun. I smiled upon arrival at Osiannna and noticed that we all had gold pocketbooks. All three of us had fancy, beautiful gold pocketbooks. My two friends had very similar Tory Burch bags while mine was purchased in an Italian shop in Downtown Westport. We were all fancy- from head to toe- we are fancy girls. It's fun being a fancy girl- not that I know what it's like to be plain but I have a feeling- this is more fun. Shoes, fur coats, clothes, makeup, Louis Vuitton, nice cars- bring it all on.

We have all had to cut back but we still appreciate the joy that these simple things can bring us. A little glitter in your body lotion goes a long way...

People always think Im all dressed up- this dates back to grammar school days. When I attended Northeastern, I scheduled all of my classes for the morning. My 8:00 am class was filled with guys who just woke up, threw a cap on and scrambled to class, many of the girls arrived in the same fashion. Not me, I showered, did my hair and makeup and put on a nice outfit- every day.

Of course my sense of style and enjoyment of nice clothing lead me to seek out the wealthy foreigners who only dressed in Armani. My college boyfriend owned a Benetton store off of Newbury Street and I worked at Bloomingdales so fashion and style were always important.

This runs in my family, My father always dressed well as did my Mom and my Grandparents as well as my Great Grandparents.
I remember wondering why my Mother had to apply Revlon- Love That Red lipstick- every morning before she drove us to the bus-stop. She always looked great even at 7:00 am. She always wore heels and beautiful clothing. As a little girl- I didn't get and remember telling my Mom that I hated lipstick and would NEVER wear it. Clearly that reversed itself very quickly.

I don't do casual- it's just not my style. My friends laugh as they know that my idea of casual is different than most. Let's just say if we are going to a Yankees game- I will wear jeans but I will be wearing heels, a funky belt and I could easily go to a nice restaurant afterwards. Im all about preparedness.

I like sexy clothes as well- I want to look like a woman. The L.L. Bean look is not for me. Another reason why Im a city girl- I don't stand out in Manhattan or Boston or any other city. I can also pull off my look in Westport but Easton is slightly more conservative. It makes no difference to me as Im very confident in myself and tend not to be affected by those around me. Also, no one is fazed by me anymore- it's not like I dress like Lady Gaga. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder and so is style.

One of my friends from Lauralton Hall describes her wardrobe as fancy and homeless. Most of her clothes are glamorous but she wears her homeless clothes for lawn work and house putzing. I don't have homeless clothes thus the gardening in my sparkly flipflops.

So this fourth of July please forgive me if Im overdressed- you say Fireworks at the beach and I say- Can I wear my high heel flipflops and rhinestone tunic? Bring on the fireworks- Im ready to light up the sky. xo Happy Fourth.

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